PROCELL Intense & Constant Batteries by DURACELL


Replacing professional batteries can be a significant cost center for businesses: on top of the cost of purchasing batteries, you have to pay a much higher cost for the labor to replace them.

Procell does not agree with this financial model. It is critical for professional end-users to drive the profitability of their businesses and we accordingly offer a unique value proposition:

  • World’s first dual portfolio of professional batteries: by conducting intensive device testing and analysis in our labs, Procell has discovered that a way to dramatically extend alkaline battery life and cut replacement costs is to engineer device-specific industrial alkaline batteries, each with unique power profiles.
  • Premium brand exclusively focused on the professional battery market.
  • Deep understanding of professional devices and the battery category through device testing and analysis in our labs.
  • Customer-centric business approach.
  • A Global B2B-dedicated multifunctional team with deep technical expertise.

Shop Procell Intense and Constant batteries below!


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