High Durability Series Dust Resistant Cylinder

DustResistantCylinderSMCUSAThis Dust Resistant Cylinder is compatible with environments where powder particles of 20 to 50 µm in diameter, such as ceramic powder, toner powder, paper powder, metal powder (excluding welding spatter), etc., are present.

The High Durability Series is the series name for the "special specification" that offers superior durability and environmental resistance compared to standard parts.  Being a part of the High Durability Series makes this cylinder four times more durable that the standard model. 

Design Features:

  • Lube-retainers are installed on the guide unit and rod cover. This prevents the entry of dust and foreign matter.
  • Dimensions and workpiece mounting dimensions are interchangeable with the standard product. 

Click below to shop SMC Dust Resistant Cylinders!


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