Bloomsdale, MO
The SMC Bloomsdale, MO branch offers a full line of automation, electrical, datacom, industrial and fluid power products. SMC offers inventory management services, same day delivery, certified training courses and pre and post sales support from our Bloomsdale location.
Bloomsdale, MO Branch
6535 U.S. Hwy 61
Bloomsdale, MO 63627
Call Us: 573.483.3800
24/7 After Hours Delivery: 573.334.2863
Location Hours
8:00am to 5:00pm
8:00am to 5:00pm
8:00am to 5:00pm
8:00am to 5:00pm
8:00am to 5:00pm
Bloomsdale Training
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SMC News

Your Industry is Changing - Rockwell Automation Can Help

Oct 16, 2018, 10:38 AM by User Not Found
With the technology advancing at a rapid rate and the market constantly changing, it's hard to keep up with training and new technologies in your industry. Rockwell Automation wants to help you get the training and resources you need to make your operations more efficient.

Rockwell Automation Fair

Rockwell Automation Fair

This event is a great opportunity to network and learn from industry professionals, other businesses, and technology leaders. However, if you’re unable to attend the 2018 Automation Fair®, SMC is hosting a Rockwell Product Update in December (registration is required) and On-Demand Rockwell Webinars!