5 Benefits Of Emergency Lighting For Your Business

  • Jun 21, 2018, 15:31 PM

5 Benefits of Emergency Lighting - Banner

Light regularly guides our way but when it comes to business, it can literally mean the difference between safe and an extremely hazardous situation. Emergency lighting can be easily overlooked as a vital business asset and is essentially there for when the worst happens.  Not only does it guide our way, emergency lights have other benefits too, five of which are discussed below.

Lighting That Is Always There:

  • Lighting can fail for a number of reasons, but if it happens to go out during a storm and during a working period for your business productivity will take an immense hit. 
  • Emergency lighting, when properly maintained, is always there if the main lights happen to go out.

Smart Investment That Can Be Recouped:

  • There’s no getting away from the investment required to have emergency lighting installed, but that investment can be quickly recouped. 
  • Although not guaranteed, you might find that your insurance premiums drop slightly with emergency lighting installed. 
  • Also, if the main lamps do go out, you can reduce the number of hours lost to non-productivity.

It Guides The Way:

  • Should an incident occur that requires an evacuation, emergency lighting will ensure that employees can make their way safely to the exits. 
  • Remember, those exit signs we usually ignore? They are powered by emergency lighting and will guide the way for employees.

It's a Top Asset if You Suffer Power Outages:

  • As noted in the first benefit, emergency lighting means you’ll never be without lighting.
  • If you happen to suffer from a power outage, productivity shouldn't drop as much since you won’t be "in the dark".

LED Technology:

  • Modern emergency lighting systems are usually powered by LED technology.
  • Less fragile and consequently have longer lifespans.
  • More energy efficient than incandescent bulbs.
  • LED's light up quickly and can be turned on and off frequently without damage being caused.
  • LED's don’t contain mercury and are therefore less toxic than their traditional forefathers.

Have our SMC experts provide a custom LED Lighting Solution


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